🚀 Sumida Ward’s Modern side🏙️

Ariel(USA) Ariel(USA) instagram


Tokyo Skytree stands at 634m and is the tallest building in Tokyo. It’s a modern icon, built in 2012 and can be seen from many parts of Tokyo.

Besides Tokyo Skytree, Sumida Ward also has the newest Disaster Prevention center in Tokyo where you can get hands-on experience on what to do in case of a fire, earthquake or other disasters.

Locations of the photos are below:

➀ ➁ Jukken-bashi Bridge
➂ Sumida City Office
➃ ➄ ➅ Honjo Life Safety Learning center (disaster prevention center)
➆ View from Tokyo Skytree Observation deck

Have you been to any of these places?

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© All photos owned by @ariel.land and permission is required to repost

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