1. 土俵入り (Dohyo-iri)
- The ring-entering ceremony, where rikishi display their fighting spirit.(pic1)
2.力士 (Rikishi)🤼♂️
- Sumo wrestlers known for their strength and skill.(pic2-4)
3.横綱 (Yokozuna)🏅
- The highest rank in sumo, symbolizing excellence and honor.(pic5)
4.行司 (Gyoji)*🕴️
- The referee in sumo, responsible for officiating matches and declaring the winner.(pic6)
5. 呼び出し (Yobidashi)** 🔊
- The announcers who call the rikishi to the ring and assist with maintaining the dohyo (pic7)
6.塩撒き (Shio-maki)🧂
- The ritual of throwing salt to purify the ring and ward off evil spirits.During Grand Sumo,45kg salt is used every day.(pic8)
7.四股 (Shiko)🦵
- A traditional leg-stomping exercise to improve balance and flexibility.(pic9)
8.弓取式 (Yumitori-shiki)🏹
- The bow-twirling ceremony performed to celebrate victory.(pic10)
Except in January ,Grand sumo is also held in May , July and September!
📆 2024 Grand Sumo Tournament Schedule 📆
⚫︎March Tournament:
Osaka, March 10 - March 24
⚫︎May Tournament:
Tokyo, May 12 - May 26
⚫︎July Tournament
Nagoya, July 14 - July 28
⚫︎September Tournament:
Tokyo, September 8 - September 22
🎟️You can buy tickets here
Grand Sumo Tournament Viewing Tour
#墨田区 #すみだ #東京 #sumida #tokyo # tokyotravel #japantravel #japantrip #東京観光 #東京旅行
#墨田区公式外国人アンバサダー #sumidacommunityambassadors #私の墨田自慢 #これも墨田のシティプロモーション #広告 #PR #sumo #sumoprimetime #相撲 #相撲観戦
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